
Mission Completed

I was challenged a week ago after submitting a recipe to Best Baby Organics as a guest blogger.  To be honest, I was a little nervous about how to make the raspberry fruit punch recipe healthier and delicious as the original.  I worked on the recipe this past weekend and I was extremely happy with the results.  So here you go… 

Healthier/Natural Raspberry Sorbet fruit punch

½ box of Strawberries
½ bag of Seedless Grapes
1 Honeydew Melon pre-cut is fine
1 Cantaloupe pre-cut is fine
1 Pineapple pre-cut is fine
2 Peaches
6 Oranges
1-2 pint. Yolato Raspberry Sorbet or Haagan Dasz
33 fl oz Mango juice

Take the 6 oranges and squeeze them, pour the freshly squeezed orange juice into the punch bowl. Next peel and cut up the peaches, after cut up honeydew melon, cantaloupe, pineapple, strawberries and grapes then place them in the bowl with the orange juice.  Pour the Mango juice into the bowl and last be not least empty the Haagen Dasz Raspberry Sorbet into the punch bowl. Stir well and serve

Serves 6 to 8

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