
American as....

I always have been intrigued by American girl and I can’t wait until my daughter and my two nieces are older for trip to the American girl store in NYC.  I am a faithful follower of Cupcake Mags & Sprinkles and love their articles.  I noticed that Sprinkles has partnered with American Girls Shrine on Now program.  This program focus is to inspire young girls to make a difference in their communities.  For additional information click here.

I have signed up my daughter because it is never to early to start making a differences..

Also, watch Sprinkles for the My American Girl doll giveaway!


Family-Friendly Product Reviews said...

Thanks so much for the follow! I'm following you too...have a wonderful weekend!

Hollywood Glamorous said...

Thank you for following Hollywood Chic, stopped by your awesome blog to return the favor.

Paula@One Mom's Corner of the World said...

I love your blog! I'm visiting from Fun Follow Friday. I signed up to be a new follower.

Deanna said...

thanks for the comment. following back at ya.
PS I L-O-V-E that quote on your blog: the quickest way to know a woman is to go shopping with her.