
2011 is here....

I am soooo excited for 2011 because I will be welcoming baby #2 into my little family...I love making lists and I have started on a few must have items for number 2...which included

Wee Baby Hats  http://www.wee-baby.com/
Beba Bean http://www.bebabean.com/
Resa Design http://www.resadesign.com/home.php
Lala's pequenoas http://lalaspequenos.com/
Aden and Anais sleeping bags http://www.adenandanais.com/shop/classicsleepingbags.aspx
Bibi Swiss Strolli Rider http://www.nybabystore.com/p-4922-bibi-swiss-strolli-rider.aspx
Hip Hello for birth anouncements http://www.lizziesorensen.com/hiphello/shop.html

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