
Tutu Cute

Twitter is my favorite past time besides hanging out with my daughter and husband.  I really have discovered a lot of great people and great sellers too.  One such person is the owner of Cutie Pa Tutus Amanda, I absolutely love her tutus and super hero capes…everything she offers is super cute…My Daughter 2nd birthday is coming soon and I already decided that I wanted to Minnieish theme party and I decided that I wanted to get her Cutie Pa Tutus outfit and Amanda was awesome about it.  She did a wonderful job and I can’t wait for my daughter’s party...

I highly recommend her and her site www.cutiepatutus.com


Ron Cooper said...

Hi! Following you from Fun Follow Friday. I’m posting inspiring messages on my new Facebook fan page…links below!



Christy Lee said...

Following from Fun Follow Friday! I love your blog and can't wait to read more! Hope you have a great weekend!

Christy Lee

Unknown said...

Hi, I am following from Fun Follow Friday! Nice blog, will be back for more! =)
