
Summer is finally here....

I am so excited that it finally feeling like summer..Yay...After the long winter, it is about time...My daughter last day of PreK 3 program is June 21st and I am excited about it too.  It has been a long year and she did great! She excited for Prek 4 program, which will be in big kid school (as she said).  The school is very close to home, so I am very excited.  My son completed Library school and is speaking like a parrot, he is too cute.  I am physically and mentally ready for this summer and I am looking pretty good too, thanks to JCF Bootcamp classes three times a week.  I have learned a lot about myself, exercise and nutrition now.  I have lost roughly 9 pounds since January.  I am able to wear a tankini that I order nearly 5 years ago before I got pregnant with my daughter and I truly thought I would never wear.  It felt awesome and plus I achieved things that I thought I was not able to do...for instance, I am able to run without stopping a mile and half and I can do it under 16 minutes.

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