

When I was younger, my parents marked our heights on a random wall in the house.  Well, those marks have since been covered up by paint now plus, I have grown much since 12 years old.  Yes, I am petite and probably still can pass for 12...ok maybe not but kinda.  I wanted to record my daughter’s growth via a growth chart.  I came across the most adorable growth chart via etsy. 

The etsy store is Growth Chart Galore, the charts are sooo adorable plus you can personalize them for your child.  The quality of the chart is amazing especially for the price of $13.00 plus shipping.  I would highly suggest that you made them a visit via http://www.etsy.com/shop/growthchartsgalore.


Growth Charts are On Sale

Select charts are only $13 for a limited time. Does not apply to past purchased and changes cannot be made to sale charts. Thank you!

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